Can any lawyer handle my case?
AAny lawyer licensed in the state of Pennsylvania is allowed to handle a Pennsylvania case, however, not all lawyers have the same knowledge, expertise and experience in all areas of law. It is important that you find a lawyer who is experienced in the type of case you have. Ken Rodgers has over 30 years of experience handling some of the most complex types of personal injury cases, as well as other areas listed in this web site.
What if I cannot get to my lawyers office?
AIn the event your injury prevents you from traveling to our office, a lawyer from our office will meet with you in your home. If necessary, we will come to your hospital room or another location that is convenient for you.
If a lawyer turns down my case, should I get a second opinion?
AYes. Different lawyers will see each case differently. Some lawyers may not be familiar with the type of case you have and therefore may have a different perspective on it. It is always worth your time to get a second opinion.
What if I am not sure whether I have a legitimate case? Is there a charge to find out if I have a case?
AIt is fairly common for people to doubt whether or not they have a case. If you have been injured, it is best to speak to a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law as soon as possible. An experienced injury lawyer will listen carefully to the details of your situation and will ask the right questions to determine if your case has merit. At the Law Offices of Kenneth M. Rodgers, all cases are evaluated free of charge.
What kind of attention will my case get?
AAt the Law Offices of Kenneth M. Rodgers, we take your case very seriously and will keep you fully informed as your case progresses. Keep in mind that the average case in the Philadelphia court system takes 1 to 3 years to settle or go to trial. During this time, we will communicate with you in writing, via email (if you have computer access), by telephone and also in person when necessary.
How much money is my case worth?
AThe value of your case depends on a number of factors, including:

  • Severity and duration of the injuries sustained
  • Amount of medical bills
  • Pain and suffering endured
  • How the injuries have affected your ability to work
  • How the injuries have affected your lifestyle
  • Your age
  • Your future medical prognosis
  • Any pre-existing injuries

We will review your case with you in detail and determine a preliminary value. Usually we cannot tell you how much your case is worth until you have completed all recommended medical treatment. Remember, it is in the best interest of everyone to resolve your case for the most money possible. We do not get paid unless you get paid!

How long will it take to resolve my case?
AThe time involved depends greatly on the type of case, but most often it takes between 1 and 3 years within the Philadelphia court system to resolve a case. A personal injury case cannot be resolved until your medical treatment has concluded, you have recovered completely from your injuries, or it has been determined by a medical doctor that you will not fully recover and that you have reached “maximum medical improvement (MMI). Other factors can also affect the length of time it takes to resolve a case such as: what you are willing to settle your case for; the insurance company involved, and other liability issues.
Will I have to go to court?
AIf the insurance company agrees to pay you what we believe your case is worth, and based on what you agree to settle for, you will not have to go to court. Most cases are resolved without going to court, however, for those that cannot be settled for a fair value with the insurance company, we will move forward with some form of legal proceeding. We have many years of experience and success resolving cases both in and outside of a courtroom. If a case cannot be settled outside of court, then we go to trial.
Should I sign Releases and/or give statements to the insurance adjuster?
ANo. Only give statements to an insurance adjuster or sign Releases after you have spoken to a qualified trial lawyer. You’re natural instinct may be to cooperate with any requests from the insurance company, but unfortunately, things you say or information you provide could be used in the future in a way that could damage your case.
Can I sue my employer or co-worker for pain and suffering arising from a work injury?
ANo. Generally an employer can not be sued when an employee is injured on the job. In such cases, the injured worker is covered under Workers’ Compensation benefits which provides payment of medical bills for the treatment of a work-related injury, and often pays a weekly disability benefit during the time that an injured worker is unable to perform their duties. If you are already receiving Workers’ Compensation benefits and the insurance company is trying to stop or change your benefits, or if you have been denied benefits to which you believe you are entitled, please contact our office for help. Ken Rodgers has a great deal of experience with Workers’ Compensation laws and has assisted many, many people with these types of problems.
Am I entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
AIf you were injured while at work, you may be eligible for Workers’ Compensation benefits. Please contact our office immediately, or complete the Free Case Evaluation form online. We will review the details of your situation with you to determine if you qualify for Workers’Compensation.
What is “Full Tort” and “Limited Tort”?
A“Tort” is a type of personal injury case that usually involves some type of negligence to a person or a group of people. The word “tort” is most often associated with automobile insurance, specifically, “full tort” or “limited tort”. Full tort coverage in an automobile insurance policy means you have the right to bring a claim for pain and suffering to someone who caused a motor vehicle accident. Those who choose limited tort in their coverage (which is usually less expensive), give up the right to bring such a claim against another party or company. We strongly recommend that people choose full tort coverage when establishing a new automobile insurance policy or renewing an existing one.